Online shopping has shaped up plus size fashion

The way we shop for plus size clothing has changed. Online shopping options gives us quality, affordable products with a unique design aesthetic…whatever our size.

Just ten years ago plus, size women were limited to clothes found on a few rails at the back of a store. Style and fit wasn’t really a thing. Let’s be real, it sucked. It’s hard feeling good about a wardrobe full of cartoon character t-shirts and too short stretchy pants, and it was disappointing to shop for more of the same.

The choices in fashion were basic polyester stretch pants (remember those thick elastic waistbands ladies?), plain oversize t-shirts, and flowing, flowery polyester housedresses. Anything that was somewhat nice was stocked in limited quantities and at an exorbitant price.

Nevermind looking and quacking like a duck, looking like Aspoestertjie will have you feeling like her waslappie, nevermind Aspoestertjie herself. That’s Cinderella, for our international reeaders.

But as it turns out, just like that Cinderella story became magical, so have fashion choices for plus size women.

Things have changed. Curvy women can now enjoy trendy and comfortable fashions at affordable prices.  You do you, boos. From denims, cottons, silks and satins. Flower prints, stripes, solids and polka dots. Well-fitted career wear, two piece bathing suits, short pants, long pants, the sky is the limit.

Want to wear a fun, flirty skirt? Or a trendy tanktini on that fabulous beach holiday? No problem! It’s just a click away online. Your biggest dilemma will be choosing just one item out of the three or four that have caught your eye. 

Today taller plus size women can finally find those pants that fit both width AND length. And then there’s petite plus size fashions for women who are shorter than average. The world of fashion has changed for everyone.  Insert the what a time to be alive emoji here.

With online shopping, plus size fashion freedom has finally arrived for full figured women. Choose all the figure flattering and trendy styles you want, and say goodbye forever to frumpy and dowdy and Aspoestertjie’s waslappie. Time to shine like the beautiful warrior you are.
